0:45(without intermission)
/ Lab - Theatre, Performance
Is it the thick fog or the opposing ideas that take the air out of the room? Keep quiet, preserving oneself, is it synonymous of passiveness?
Through the writing process in which shameless, tender, rebellious or sensual bodies clash on each other, KILL TA PEUR questions our modesty. From our more intimate one to our political one.
Creation : KILL TA PEUR (Lé Aubin, Claude Breton and Gabriel Cloutier Tremblay)
Collaboration on the script : Nadia Girard Eddahia and André Gélineau
Sound Design : Samuel Sérandour
Cast : Éva Daigle, Erika Gagnon, Marie Tan, Frédérique Bradet, Gaïa Cherrat Naghshi, Jean-Michel Girouard, Marc-Antoine Marceau, Melissa Merlo, Stefanelle Auger, Victoria Côté, Mary-Lee Picknell
For more information, visit the Chantiers/constructions artistiques website